Be attentive High-School Seniors! Do you know the time is running out of your hands? Well, it’s time to initiate your college admissions process! Get some advice from some of the ‘bona fide’ first-year college students.
When I asked them about advice for the high-school seniors, they collectively uttered, ‘Start now! Do not hang around!’ Another guy verbalized, ‘Ensure to remain in-contention and keep on pursuing the desires of each college because it looks like unlike for EACH, PARTICULAR school.’ I could possibly perceive some exasperation on the most recent feedback.
Commonly—and rather abruptly—all of them approved that it'll be good NOT to defer when it’s about admissions ‘matter.’ Now, if you're among the few exceptional cases that have already arranged their stuff, popped in colleges, drafted rough outlines of their college admission essays, applied for the ‘letters of recommendation,’ and have written a resume, then you're done. For the rest, let's hope, it works and motivates you all a bit.
College Admission Essays are as important in students’ lives as applying for a job with a Covering letter describing their skills and abilities.
1. Students planning to take or re-take the SAT (with subject tests) and/or ACT, it’s time for them to get registered. Check out the dates and register beforehand. For further information, log on to Also, ensure the scores to be sent directly to your colleges.
2. Write an attractive resume. Do not forget to include your academic statistics, enlist your clubs and/or sports, your work experience, special projects, awards and if necessary, get some guidelines from a counselor, parent or teacher.
3. Conduct some review work for the SAT/ACT. You can get help from some of the great books in this matter.
4. Get to know the closing dates for each college.
5. If you are not aware of the deadlines, visit different colleges for authenticity.
6. Start writing college admission essays and personal statements. Make sure to proofread, well-organize, rectify grammar & punctuation errors, and to use great sentences because all it makes a good impression.
7. Be sure to provide your concerned counselors, teachers or others with your resume and enough time before asking them to write letters of recommendation on your behalf.
8. Apply for the transcripts!
9. Go for scholarship opportunities. It will require you to complete applications, draft essays and probably to deliver an interview. So, it’s good to start it IN TIME!
10. Enhance your essays!
11. Ask your recommenders to send your letters.
12. Check out your applications thoroughly. It will be good to get your applications checked by someone before you send them electronically or via postal-mail.
13. Go to your guidance department and get FAFSA Forms. For further information, log on to
14. Before applying for scholarships, you should write essays and send your request for the letters of recommendation, if necessary.
15. Finally, check out whether or not the concerned colleges have received whole stuff of your application(s).
Good Luck guys! Hopefully, this process will work out and you’ll succeed with a little foresight.
One of the most complicated tasks in students’ lives regarding inscription of college admission essays, is to decide on a unique topic to inscribe about. As you know that these essays can make or else break your college application at the same time, so the stress arises that you might lose your tempo.
On the other hand, keeping in vision the desires of the college admission officials, it won’t be difficult for you to decide what you need to discuss in your college admission essays. Always remember that they are not expecting Pulitzer Prize-Winning college admission essays, still it would be good enough if you try coming up with any such essay.
What College Admission Officials Expect?
The college admission officials are looking for your exclusively-adapted and well-organized articulation in your essays. Well, you can get some sample admission essays to have a better understanding of writing your own. But, it still may not get along your own opinion of what a good topic should be.
Discussing a Topic
Some of the colleges provide specific topics, sections to write about you and the reasons for your applications. Since you have topics, it’s quite easy for you to write about, but it’s not the end of the story. How to write is the major deciding factor for your essay. For your own convenience, you can access sample college admission essays in order to approach and answer these topics. Similarly, they can be a good source of enhancing your knowledge, ideas, presentational and organizational skills.