The famous Matala Caves can be accessed in front of the peninsula forming northern side of a beach and a little bay. They give impression of cabin balconies on the shape of a sinking-ship. This whole place has been massively affected by the earthquakes. Your Heraklion holidays will be more interesting if you visit this place; as it offers many of the Heraklion holidays ideas during your stay in the Cretan region.
You will find some amusing collections on the external part of the caves, which are perhaps the relics of earthquake-driven tsunami waves that hit Matala at times; most probably after the earthquake of the year 365. An anthology of apparently cemented shells, dirt, brick, bone and other things will make your Heraklion holidays more adventurous.
History of the Caves of Matala
Matala is said to have carried artificial caves in the vertical cliffs, which were made in the rock many thousand years ago. The exact date of the establishment of Matala Caves is not known to anyone. According to the current generations, these caves are the tombs of the Roman or Early Christian times. Heraklion holidays at such historical spots are more appealing especially for the history lovers.
However, few of the Matala caves contain engraved windows, beds and porches that highlight some other stories. According to the historians, some of the caves had been used for domestic purposes in the earlier era. They also highlight the signs of more recent ‘Flower Children.’ Hence, Matala caves are a best place to make excellent Heraklion holidays.
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